Basketball Wives Reunion Season 4 —
Last night the women of Basketball Wives season 4 met on the reunion stage with host John Salley to discuss the emotional events that occurred this season. What I was most interested in was Tami’s therapy,the bullying that took place in Tahiti , Evelyn and Jennifer moment of clarity and Jen’s slap. Now from watching the reunion show I have come to the conclusion Tami’s therapy isn’t working. She is still blaming others for her actions and not herself. It is actually very sad to watch a woman of her age display such buffoonery. In my opinion she is going to therapy and not doing the work. It is not up to the therapist to change you it is up to you to take a stand and aggressively work on the areas you need improvement in. She had no right asking Kesha her nationality in such in ignorant way. Which ignited this whole problem between her and Kesha. How classless is it for you to tell some who is bi-racial or any ethnicity for that matter “you don’t look like a Kesha you like look a Lisa.” Her comments were out of line and she should have apologized for approaching her in that way. On the reunion show Tami offered the most insincere apology about her “bullying” Kesha in Tahiti. Tami denies bullying her and says it was her fault for not taking up for herself as a grown woman. Then she pulled the sympathy card about her children being bullied and she doesn’t tolerate it yet she participates. So she apologized without apologizing to Kesha. Tami stated she was sorry for how she came at Kesha but she wasn’t sorry for the message”. This is something a crazy person would say! Here below is the clip Get More: Basketball Wives (Season 4), Basketball Wives 4 Jennifer came on the reunion stage with security and advised the viewers along with cast members that she would continue with the lawsuit due to her assault.I completely agree with her. As a grown woman it should never get to the point of being physical. If you allow it to be that way you have to consider the consequences and repercussions of your actions. Assault is a serious offense. You should never violate anyone be hitting them regardless of the situation. John also made Jen take a lie detector test in reference to her friendship with Evelyn. The test reveled they both missed their friendship and really needed to talk things out. Although I am not a fan of Evelyn I found her to be sincere when she hugged Jen on stage. I can say we witnessed a real friendship. Hopefully they can get it together before Evelyn’s Wedding. Shaunie did discuss the future of the show. Shaunie stated they all take full responsibility for their actions. She also said she wanted these ladies to be more of a role model for our youth. Shaunie reveals that next season they will take better steps in keeping the violence to a minimum…Well there will be a season 5 of Basketball Wives let’s see if these women can clean up there act. Below are the highlights from the reunion show Get More: Basketball Wives (Season 4), Basketball Wives 4 Get More: Basketball Wives (Season 4), Basketball Wives 4 Get More: Basketball Wives (Season 4), Basketball Wives 4
Jersey Nunn