Hip Hop comes to the ATL —
Love and Hip Hop has left NYC and found its way to Atlanta. The show has decided to follow six women who are in or being effected by the music industry. The show premiered on June 11 to 3.6 million viewers but some audiences aren’t to happy with the imagery. After the first show it is already being petitioned for airing removal. I can’t see this being a threat basketball wives is still on the air and going into its sixth season so if I was Mona Scott the creator of the show I wouldn’t break a sweat. In the first episode we meet Mimi who is the girlfriend or wife of producer Stevie J. Stevie J is best known for dating Eve and of course that sex tape which was boring by the way. Although the show portrays him to be one of the hottest producers of the early 2000’s. Stevie J is managing one of the ladies Joseline who through the rumor mill was being called a transvestite. If you follow her on twitter you would have seen she tweeted a naked photo to prove her lady parts. I will not post that pic on my website you will need to Google. Joseline is also the mistress of Stevie J. She makes it no secret on the show how she feels about him and the want to make a career for herself. Joseline is focused on not going back to the strip club to make money she wants to be seen as a serious artist. There are rumors she becomes pregnant by Stevie J and they film the abortion. We will have to see in the upcoming weeks of the show if this actually happens. We also get to know artist K. Michelle (R&B singer), Rasheeda (Underground rapper), Karlie Redd (Rapper), Erica (Lil Scrappy’s girlfriend, and Scrappy’s fully medicated ex pimp/drug dealer mother Momma Dee. Momma Dee is showcased as an over protective mother with a lot of opinions about Diamond of the hip hop group Crime Mob. Scrappy left the mother of his child Erica openly for Diamond. Then that relationship ended once the news came that she was cheating on Scrappy with Souja Boy. Once Scrappy received the news he went back to Erica to try to rebuild his relationship. The show displays Erica’s reluctant behavior towards him due to her pain from the cheating. I am not sure what to think of this show quite yet as whole but I have some opinions. The interesting part about the show I do like is it does show how us as women always see what we want to and not what’s there. Mimi Faust is a nice looking women and she could have any dude she wants but she puts up with a man who blatantly cheats in her face. He doesn’t care enough about her to even hide it. Yet she does the same thing a chick who tolerates that behavior does. She yells and screams to ultimately not do anything about it. She represents the predictable chick. She will be mad for a day or so and then next week it would be like it never happened. She is fully aware of his indiscretions but is the ultimate masochist. I am not mad at Joseline because she has no loyalty to Mimi. She isn’t her friend or family member so Stevie J is just a dude who she is using for a come up from her old life. I think the anger should be placed on him due his supposed loyalty to Mimi. I hope by the end of the season she comes to her senses and finds a man who will respect her. I don’t believe that will happen because those are the type of women who know that their situation is bad and like to complain. Just want someone to feel sorry for them. It is a shame really that some people grow in age but go through the same life lesson on repeat but learn absolutely nothing. The show has already started off with more than enough drama and I am sure we will all tune in next week to see how this all plays out. Here is a sneak peek of next weeks episode. Get More: Love & Hip Hop Atlanta
Jersey Nunn