I’m Stress Eating, Are You? —
Who stress eats when shit is out of control? Hello, am I alone? Managing your mental health can feel like a marathon, but sooner rather than later we all run out of breath. As most of you know, I am on a house journey. My husband and I had a dream that we would own property together. Who knew that dream would manifest so quickly. We found a charming multi-family home in NC and placed a back-up offer on it. This market is very competitive so we thought it was worth a try and our offer was accepted! This week has been exciting, nerve wrecking, and stressful. I am moving onto the next stage of my life as a landlord. In theory this is what I planned for but why am I so nervous? My nervous stress has caused me to stress eat and not sleep properly. I am all about full transparency in my lifestyle changes, so let’s keep it a buck about how trash I have been living. I’ve been skipping meals, not being as active, not planning my meals, and eating more quick options. Due to not following my regimen I have gained 5 pounds as of this morning. On past “weight-loss journeys” I would rip myself a new ass about gaining weight. Now I have new coping mechanisms and I understand now that I am allowed a mistake. Our triumphs are always found in our recover. This is my life and real things are happening. Five pounds doesn’t erase all the hard work I have done on my mind or my body. It doesn’t take away the healthy habits I’ve created or the new things I do to continue the benefit of longer life through healthy changes. This morning without knowing my weight was up, I exercised. Now I am not going to lie, It wasn’t easy as I was tired. My warm blanket was helping me come up with all the excuses of why I should stay in bed. “I can do it after work.” “I need these 10 minutes to function.” How will my brain work if I’m tired.” You know what I did instead? I said “GET YO ASS UP! YOU’RE SKINNY LEGEND!” I then laughed at myself and walk-ran for 30 minutes. My mood instantly improved and I felt less stressed. Exercise during this transitional period is really going to keep me clear and leveled. I really need it to keep my corrective moments coming. That natural dopamine is everything when you’re overwhelmed. This experience has allowed me to realize that a lot of change at once makes me feel taken over. When I haven’t had time to think of different scenarios within any situation it throws me out of wack. As a planner, the thinking helps me cope in stress. My home ownership knowledge is limited. I need moments of deep thought, but every situation may not offer it. Knowing that how do I proceed? Accept what you don’t know and learn what you can in the time that you’ve been given. Trust your moral compass and live life. That is how I will be navigating the rest of this house journey with my husband. As I am stress eating, not sleeping, and not being present it is distracting me from this AMAZING moment with my best friend. This is a magical memory that we will have for the rest of our lives and I need to savor that with him. The moral of this story friends is don’t let stress be the reason you’re not living well. Stress is nothing but a destroyer of life in most cases. Be present, recognize your moment, and then make good choices. Most importantly, be kind to you in your time of quote unquote failure. Remember you can do it because you’ve already proved it. Ok full disclosure that open faced hot dog was the tits! The devil was in that bitch and now on my waist lol. I love you for reading… Jersey
Jersey Nunn