Kevin Hart Only Pays Ex 175,000 in the Divorce Settlement? Who the Hell was Her Lawyer? —
Via TMZ Kevin Hart may have just pulled off the biggest bargain basement divorce in Hollywood, because we’ve learned the gazillionaire has settled up with his ex-wife for relative pennies. Hart, who is worth a reported $9 million, will pay his ex, Torrei Hart a lump sum of $175,000. But Torrei does get a few fabulous parting gifts, including an Escalade and personal stuff like jewelry. All signs point to a prenup. In the end Kevin is not getting off the hook scot-free … he has to pay $19,785 a month in support for their 8-year-old daughter and 5-year-old son. The divorce was actually final in November, 2011. Kevin, who is repped by Debra Opri, has just settled the financials.
Jersey Nunn