New Web Series: P.O.P (Power of Pussy) —
New documentary on strippers who work at the famous night club “Magic City” located in Atlanta, GA. In the documentary the strippers talk about the difference between stripping and entertaining. One of the dancers replied ” anyone can take their clothes off and do a two-step but an entertainer will booty bounce, do pole tricks, and make the client forget the dancer hasn’t removed any clothes”. The film depicts one dancer who left Magic City and started her own business. Her business is pole aerobics, pole party’s, and she teaches technique. She was one out of maybe 4 other dancers they showed that actually made their money and moved on. I personally don’t have issues with dancers but it seems that it is not a chosen profession. People tend to strip out of desperation. One dancer moved from CA and was working at the local KFC making minimum wage in GA then decided she needed more. She stated “I will just dance until something else comes up”. So here is my question to all of the people who defend stripping stating that it is an art blah blah blah…If your daughter were to grow up and said “Mom, Dad I want to be stripper or I am a stripper” are you the parent who quickly accepts? Or can you safely say you would have so objections? If you do have some sort of objections then we can safely say you are a hypocrite. Watch Part 1 and Part 2 and leave a comment on what you think?
Jersey Nunn