Yesterday’s Doomsday Prophet Had Some of Yall Shook Huh? —
It seems like today you don’t need any educational background to be an accredited source for information. Harold Camping is the president ofFamily Radio and he predicted that the world will end May 21,2011. Robert Fritzpatrick felt he was a disciple of this preacher and it was his resposibility to spread the word of future devistation. Robert Fitzpatrick is retired MTA employee who put over $140,000 towards making the people of the world believe that today was our last day before God was to destroy it. Fitzpatrick’s theory consisted of a major earthquake in the U.S. that would leave our country in ruins by six o’clock this evening. Well I was at Applebee’s at 6:01pm and there was no earthquake and I ate my meal without the building falling to rubble. Fitzpatrick had no background in world devastation theory but he had the media machine behind his message that ended up to be completely false. There are reports of people selling their homes, quitting their jobs, and sending him money for supplies for preperation for todays false devestation. I wonder will he be refunding the people he fooled into thinking they were living in their last days? Can you imagine how stupid these people look now with all these supplies they cant use because their homes are still intact. People are crazy! Twitter and Facebook were full of comments about the false phophet. Their were tweets like ” Wasn’t I supposed to die today“ and then some of the party promoters were using it as tool for tonights events by saying “God spared you come party with us!“. I have no idea how people can be so blind to their faith and not understand that any day can be your last day. You never know when its your time to leave this earth. Don’t spend your money or time feeding into the bullshit of a man who is a retired ticket giver who figured he was doing you a favor by telling you when you were going to die. Honestly we all should be mad that this dude feels he has the right to share this information whether its right or wrong. All I know is all the people who brought all those supplies should run down on his crazy ass for a beat down. Who will you believe the next time they say the world will end?
Jersey Nunn