Yunnie Rose is #TeamStahr Even if He Could be A Pedophile —
I woke this morning to a Facebook Messenger alert that had a link inside asking me to watch this video. I trusted the tip and clicked the YouTube link. To my surprise, it was my YouTube peer Yunnie Rose. Yunnie Rose has a beauty channel on our shared platform, however today’s topic was far from highlights and contours. Rose decided to defend YouTuber friend Stahr Milan over his previous sexual molestation allegations in her recent video. In early August Stahr Milan was accused by his former roommates/daughters Taj and King of exchanging accommodations for sexual acts. The boys started a YouTube shit storm by revealing intimate details about Stahr’s alleged sexual demands in exchange for clothing and food. King and Taj claim that they were being sexually assaulted for years while living with Stahr.The boys ended up with Stahr due to their gay lifestyle and being disowned by their families. In their video confessions they acknowledged Stahr Milan as good man who happened to have an anger issue that could only be healed by sodomy of the mouth and anus. Of course the YouTube community reacted to these young men including myself. I haven’t judged Stahr, however I do believe there is much more to the story than what either party is saying. In Yunnie’s video she explained that we shouldn’t as the public speak on something we don’t have the facts to as we weren’t there. She confirmed her loyalty to the make-up vlogger by saying he collabed with her when she only had 300 subscribers and “people just don’t do that.” Rose further explained that he was never inappropriate with her and has always been respectful. I completely agree with her statement about us not knowing what happened as none of us including her had lived with them during the time of these alleged events. I could also agree that Stahr may have been respectful and forthright to her during their friendship exchanges. The part that puzzles me about her claims of loyalty is why make a video four months later about a man who has already been dragged by social media? If he was such an AMAZING person why not make a video in the eye of the storm? I am going to tell you why. People are always looking for a situation and a moment to capitalize from while being safe. Yunnie wasn’t going to risk thumbs down videos and possible unsubscribing to defend Stahr back when the internet exploded in his face four months ago. Playing the back is always the best way because it doesn’t affect you. I am sure it was “on your heart” to keep your subscriptions more than speak out in August. To the naked eye this was nothing but a video to show comradery but to those who know better the goal was indeed shares, likes, and comments. YouTube is a very thirsty place and people will drink all they can until empty. She also speaks on the bashing of other YouTuber’s and how it is wrong. Outside of this drama Stahr Milan has been in other YouTube drama with He Flawless, Justin J, among other gay males on the platform. So his hands aren’t exactly clean Yunnie. It’s hard to defend the bullshit when the perp is dead in it. See why the objective approach would have been better? He Flawless Justin J Which at every turn she decided to opt out of. In her video she bashes the alleged victims by saying she is Team Stahr. If your going to make a video about people not judging it shouldn’t be one-sided. If you’re going to make a video saying we weren’t there then you should practice how to remain neutral in your public speaking. Just because a person collabs with you doesn’t exonerate them from their alleged molestation claims. You know that right? If not, that’s a gift. Stahr commented on her video thanking her and reaffirming that he doesn’t watch the negativity about him on YouTube. I call bullshit Ms. Milan as your video comments and thumbs have been in limbo since that happened. Also some of the people whom follow you still aren’t convinced that these stories aren’t true. So why risk a thumbs down video when you can take the option away? We aren’t stupid boo lol. It is still uncertainty in these YouTube streets over your character. Just saying. As a friend Yunnie why didn’t you reach out to Stahr and tell him how rape allegations are no laughing matter. Or why not explain to him that if he wanted to be vindicated that he should have went to the authorities and not made an one hour and forty-six minute roast on the alleged victims. So many things as friend you fucked up on lol. I said in my response video I don’t know who touch who but it is something to a story when someone takes it this far. Using rape is a new low for a YouTube check and feeding into it with less than par reads for over an hour is even worse. I am not team anyone as I don’t have enough information to make a decision. People don’t get sucked into this bullshit. Use your brains and understand the real reason people do what they do on the internet. Just like Stahr she wants to be successful by any means necessary. Good luck boo because I wasn’t fooled. xoxo Jersey
Jersey Nunn