
  • Nikki Minaj Endorses Romney?!

    Lil’ Wanye’s new song called “Mercy” from his upcoming mixtape “The Dedication” Nikki Minaj spits a verse endorsing Mitt Romney. She states “I’m a Republican voting for Mitt Romney, you lazy bitches are fucking up the economy”. Just four years ago she was consider a lazy bitch herself because she wasn’t rich. She was in Queens on Myspace trying to make it so please shut the fuck up! Romney’s plans work for her now because she is rich. Little does she know Mitt Romney not only wants to remove a “women’s right to choose” but his motto for his campaign references the KKK’s tagline “Keep America American”. Last I checked the KKK is not…

  • The Road We’ve Traveled

    Three years ago Jersey and I along with the rest of the city of Newark,NJ gathered on Commerce St for the inauguration speech of our President Barack Obama. The broadcast was amazing. The monitor our President was displayed upon stretched across the entire the street.  The night air was chilly but despite the cold temperatures it seemed as if the entire city of Newark was in completed admiration. The energy in the air was overwhelming. I felt such a feeling of accomplishment.  We did it! Our nation has elected the first BLACK President. In the days and weeks that followed I remember wondering is it too late? Is the mess that the former administration…