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The Double Standard Men vs Women


Why is that when women get fat they are immediately unaccepted and unattractive?  Men can gain a million pounds and they can still demand a woman with a flat stomach along with being seen as a protector. When a man becomes heavy no one blames their self-esteem or openly criticizes. Women have a lot of pressure to stay looking, feeling, and acting a certain way. Then when we fall short here comes all the negativity.




As a woman you have so many elements that contribute to weight gain or loss. We are full of hormones and not to mention genetics that play a huge part  in our appearance despite a healthy diet. Even in pop culture you have men like Rick Ross and Fat Joe whose appearances are over looked and they still get women without issue.I know what you are thinking they have money right? Well Monique, Gabby S. (Precious), etc have money too but no one looks at them as a sex symbol. These women come with excuses when they are courted. People assume they would only have male company because of their money otherwise no one would be attracted. That is the thought that goes through people’s minds because of their outer shell. Which is ridiculous.




Why don’t women automatically become sexy whom are heavy when they are rich? When men in the industry are big they become sexier big stomachs and all. Women will argue about these celebrities being sexy with their crossed-eyes hidden behind Gucci shades? You have to be fucking kidding me?!




We only have one woman they give credit for being sexy to which is my best friend in my head Jill Scott. Jill Scott is a natural beauty and has the prettiest smile. Jill Scott lost a few pounds and 50 Cent tweeted that her weight loss made her look better as if she wasn’t beautiful before. Now 50 gets love from women due to his body . Although this dude was shot in the face and has constant spit corners in his mouth when he speaks he is allowed to point out flaws?

The message the media and society sends us as women is we need to fit into a perfect little box and be a small size to be considered sexy. As if men only have one type? Some men like a bigger woman with rolls and all. Those men aren’t usual publicized and if they are its in a negative way. They call them chubby chasers. These men who overfed women as some freakish fetish.

There are men who love a curvy woman. Contrary to what people think chubby chicks have no problem getting laid, nor do we cry surrounded by food, and we are some of the most confident people. Everywhere we go we are the life of the party. Most would say being the “life” is how we get noticed. As a bigger woman you are always noticed without saying a damn word.

Now in no way am I condoning an unhealthy lifestyle of eating or not taking care of yourself but people need to understand the difference between the two. Just because your bigger doesn’t mean you don’t work out or eat right. Just because your big doesn’t mean you sit around and eat fried chicken all day. There are big and very active people out here such as myself. So I would like to stop that bullshit notion right now.

Also why is the male whore celebrated but the female who says who and when is a slut? Then she is told she won’t make a good wife because she is too sexual? It is common knowledge whores make the best wives. I feel like we are all are whores despite our sexual body count. Society has not pin pointed a number of men women had to sleep with for the label to be consider truth so to me it is based on a person morals. I feel a woman who is experienced knows how to please her man. In plus men like whores in the bedroom just not outside. Secret whores men like lmao!

Now I do believe you shouldn’t be the poster child for giving the best head in the neighborhood but at the same time who you suck and fuck is your business. The only time I see issue with a woman who has lots of sex is when she is trying to compensate for an emotion or self-esteem. When a woman is having multiple partners at a rapid pace to make her feel better about herself she needs to seek consul. I feel this way about men also. Your sexually behavior should not be negatively frowned upon because you want to have sex with multiple people as a female. There are some women who are confident and fulfilled who just want it when they want it. I feel like if you use safe sex, you take care of yourself,  and a respect is established between parties who cares?

You should be able to see someone on the street whom you’ve had sex with and it’s nothing. It shouldn’t be the point and stares or the infamous “Yo that’s her right there..ha ha”. Men who have sex with multiple women aren’t whores they are looked at as more experienced. A guy could just throw his penis around and his sex stock goes up but when I woman decides to do it she is a harlot.

It pisses me off that women have so more much pressure to fit into these ideals of society. Yet mens flaws are rewarded. The double standard among men and women is stupid. It’s my opinion…what do you think?

I am a blogger who writes entertainment news, celebrity gossip, and original content. My original content consist of short stories, unsigned artist write-ups, along with other displays of artistic expression.

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