Entertainment,  Jersey Says It All,  Real People,  Relationships,  sex

Where is the Trust Today in Relationships?

I find it that a lot of women/men I know check their mates electronic devices, social networking sites, and pockets. Since when did we leave the girl/boyfriend role and become sleuths. Why do some women and men choose partners that they have to investigate? Some would say people chose a certain type of person who they can predict the outcome from. So if you are choosing from that alone the investigation is a waste of time because you knew they weren’t shit to begin with.

Also how does checking up on a anybody make the relationship better? If someone is checking on me constantly in my relationship I would feel like we haven’t accomplished anything as partners and I might as well be a stranger to you. Strangers aren’t to be trusted. With me knowing that knowledge it would put me in a position to move on and then inherit an why should I care you don’t trust me anyhow attitude.

I am a firm believer that the people who want to check what you’re doing are doing something themselves. The reason why they need to be in the know is so it can validate their own disrespectful behavior toward the relationship. Basically when your partner finds out you’re an asshole it makes them feel better about being an asshole.

I find it more common now-a days in relationships that people break-up over Facebook likes and twitter DM’s (direct messages). I’ve heard of people getting their friends to be friends with their man talk to him to see if he will holla. I have also seen people have other people send friend requests to people just to watch their status’? The madness has to stop for real.

If you don’t trust relationships just don’t be in one. I respect men/women who say they don’t want to be tied down and keep it real. Why confuse the next chick or dude? Just be honest from the rip so hoes won’t be font fighting and going ham with tweets. I knew shit was out of control when dudes is throwing up pics of they ex-girl giving head for the get back. Ladies shit is real out here.

Ladies please be careful who you let take a photo of you while your mic checking because you don’t want to be known as the best MC around the internet. People will put you on blast without a second thought and that’s real.



I am a blogger who writes entertainment news, celebrity gossip, and original content. My original content consist of short stories, unsigned artist write-ups, along with other displays of artistic expression.

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