
Gym: The First 12 Days

Hey everyone I am back at the gym♥

Those whom follow me on other social media know that I’ve been going to the gym. Two weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night and I felt like something was wrong. I looked over at Jay and he was sleeping peacefully. I got out of bed and started to pace. I paced back and forth trying to shake the weird feeling. I then crawled back into bed and I woke Jay. He was disoriented but asked me what’s wrong?

Gym Selfie

I told him I didn’t know. In that moment, he just understood. In his half sleep state he opened his arm and said come inside. I finally could sleep. However, I woke up that next morning thinking why was I so scared? See, I am the type of person who needs to know why things happen. So I started to think was there anything I was unhappy with.

I continue to think about it through the day. While I was in thought, Jay went for a run. I so wanted to go with him.

I always admired his ability to run the distance. He’s will to just do something he had never done and just master it. In that moment I knew. I wanted to be more like him. I wanted to share the experience of running. No one in my family ever ran. Shit, the only time you saw anyone in my family run it was because my mom was done cooking or you was about to get your ass whooped for disrespect. Neither of these reasons were aligned with sportsmanship. So that day, I knew it was time to go to the gym and build my endurance. Right then and there I made a pat with myself to go to the gym consistently for 30 days. Going to the gym would be able to change my mind and condition my body for running.

I’ve read it takes 30 days to develop a new habit. So I took the challenge. My first day back to the gym after being away a few weeks was brutal. I was walking at the slowest pace and so tired.  Jay was running like the damn wind and my ass was barely breathing.  I didn’t get discouraged though I just continued on. I have also changed my diet. I haven’t been eating any red meat, pork, fried foods. or carbs (rice/pastas). Only chicken, turkey, vegetables, fruits, and seafood with a strong vitamin regiment.

10 pounds down. Planet Fitness Gym Selfie

This new diet sucks when everyone else is eating sugary, creamy, bready, and crispy treats.

I don’t have the kind of personality that is able to ween off of certain foods. I go cold turkey. If I can’t have it I won’t. It works, but I be hungry when I see sweet treats arrive. I am not even a sweet person but I believe it’s because I am cut off I want it even more. My favorites are chocolate anything, ice cream, and fried chicken.  Not just any fried chicken, my fried chicken! At work with threw a party for a colleague and they had fried chicken/cake. I had to help set up the party. That was so HARD. Everyone is chopping down on crispy juicy ass chicken skin and I am over here dipping cucumber slices into italian dressing tricky my mind to think it is chips. The smell of chicken penetrated my nose as I opened each bucket.

The bucket lids were lined with sweat from the fried freshness.

How the hell did I manage to say no? I still don’t know. I would say will power but I think I was just waiting for it to be over. After the work party I hit the gym and thought about how bad I would have felt if I did eat the chicken and cake. How that one choice would have been like pressing reset. I had come so far and been so consistent in my new behavior that I just couldn’t imagine messing it up for the chicken.  My last weight in revealed that I am 12 pounds lighter since starting. I am very proud of my accomplishment so far. I will be checking in with more weight loss updates here on my blog.

Read My Last Article About Friendship….

I love you for reading 


I am a blogger who writes entertainment news, celebrity gossip, and original content. My original content consist of short stories, unsigned artist write-ups, along with other displays of artistic expression.

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